[rabbitmq-discuss] Cluster setup : rabbitmq server stops responding to rabbitmqctl commands

sanjiv.kumar.jha at accenture.com sanjiv.kumar.jha at accenture.com
Wed Jul 11 11:43:46 BST 2012


We have a RabbitMQ cluster of 2 nodes (say NODE-A and NODE-B) having mirrored queues running on 2 separate Linux servers (RabbitMQ-Server 2.7.1), but facing issues with RabbitMQ Server.
If NODE-A is brought down, the clients are able to connect to NODE-B successfully; no issues observed till this point.
Now if NODE-A is brought up and NODE-B is brought down, the rabbitmq server tends to slow down and does not even respond to simple command like rabbitmqctl list_queues - keeps waiting endlessly.

Please let us know, if there any clues or ideas to rectify this issue.




Erlang has closed
Erlang has closed


+---+   +---+
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   +---+   +-------+
|                   |
| RabbitMQ  +---+   |
|           |   |   |
|   v2.7.1  +---+   |
|                   |
AMQP 0-9-1 / 0-9 / 0-8
Copyright (C) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc.
Licensed under the MPL.  See http://www.rabbitmq.com/

node           : rabbit at AD1SP1
app descriptor : /usr/lib/rabbitmq/lib/rabbitmq_server-2.7.1/sbin/../ebin/rabbit.app
home dir       : /var/lib/rabbitmq
config file(s) : /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
cookie hash    : pmUAo68V6W8JgxZU0MHCNw==
log            : /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit at AD1SP1.log
sasl log       : /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit at AD1SP1-sasl.log
database dir   : /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit at AD1SP1
erlang version : 5.6.3

-- rabbit boot start
starting file handle cache server                                     ...done
starting worker pool                                                  ...done
starting database                                                     ...

rabbit at NODE-A.log:

=INFO REPORT==== 9-Jul-2012::17:47:29 ===
closing TCP connection <0.7287.0> from

=INFO REPORT==== 9-Jul-2012::17:47:29 ===
closing TCP connection <0.8371.0> from

=INFO REPORT==== 9-Jul-2012::17:47:29 ===
    application: rabbit
    exited: stopped
    type: temporary

=INFO REPORT==== 9-Jul-2012::17:47:29 ===
    application: mnesia
    exited: stopped
    type: temporary

=INFO REPORT==== 9-Jul-2012::17:47:29 ===
    application: os_mon
    exited: stopped
    type: temporary

=INFO REPORT==== 9-Jul-2012::17:52:28 ===
Limiting to approx 924 file handles (829 sockets)

rabbit at NODE-A-sasl.log:

=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 9-Jul-2012::17:47:29 ===
     Supervisor: {<0.8370.0>,rabbit_channel_sup_sup}
     Context:    shutdown_error
     Reason:     shutdown
     Offender:   [{pid,<0.10329.0>},

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