[rabbitmq-discuss] State-of-the-art Perl client?

Alessandro Ranellucci aar at cpan.org
Tue Jan 31 10:25:59 GMT 2012

On 25-01-2012 at 6:30, Toby Corkindale wrote:

  >>I've done some searching and haven't found a consensus 
answer: What's
  >>the state-of-the-art Perl client for RabbitMQ?
  >The only decent one I've found is Net::STOMP::Client.
  >The author is active on this list and responds to bug reports.
  >I filed bugs against the others on CPAN ages ago and have 
been ignored
  >by their authors.

I published this module one year ago and I'm still using it:


It exposes the *full* RabbitMQ API as available through the 
official Java client. While some may dislike to run a Java 
library in a Perl environment, it has proven to be fairly 
reliable without a single issue.

- Alessandro

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