[rabbitmq-discuss] Queue item limits

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Fri Jan 27 10:12:37 GMT 2012


On 26/01/12 23:30, Codevally wrote:
> Basically my requirement is, I have a queue (called sms_gateway) and I
> have several companies publishing messages to that queue. But want to
> allocate some big number of size to higher priority companies. Like:
> ABC Company can have maximum of 1000 messages in the sms_gateway
> XYZ Company can have maximum of 200  messages in the sms_gateway
> PQR Company can have maximum of 100  messages in the sms_gateway

You can emulate priorities by declaring a queue for each company. On the
consumer side you then consume in the ratio 10:2:1 from queues for ABC,
XYZ and PQR.


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