[rabbitmq-discuss] Queue Lease (x-expires)

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Fri Jan 20 12:47:04 GMT 2012

On 16/01/12 15:56, Yogesh Ketkar wrote:
> I would like to delete the queue with no messages in it and so asked
> the question.

I see.

> Can you suggest an alternative to achieve
> 1. Delete the queue when last event processed from the queue has
> <Action>Delete</Action>  as this implies that
>     no more events with same<AppId>  would ever get created.

Well, you could have your client do that.

> 2. Delete the queue when it is IDLE for certain period, meaning it is
> empty and no more event was added to it for certain time period.

Hmm. Well there's nothing built in to do this, but you could have 
something from outside poking the mgmt API every few minutes - look at 
the output of (e.g.)

rabbitmqadmin list queues name messages consumers idle_since

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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