[rabbitmq-discuss] Message Characters length more than 50000 are truncated

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Thu Jan 19 17:25:26 GMT 2012

On 19/01/12 16:59, RabbitMQ_User wrote:
> Please let me know if any of you had this issue and possible solution of
> truncated messages when the message characters size exceeded 50000. I am
> using .NET Client to publish the message with BasicPublish method of
> RabbitMQ.Client.IModel by passing in the message body as an byte[]
> array. After successful publish, and view the Auto String/Base64 message
> from Web UI Management Plugin it only shows 50000 characters and rest
> are truncated nor have been written to the queue. Thanks.

The *web UI* will truncate messages you've pulled from a queue to 50000 
bytes (basically so you don't crash your browser).

The HTTP API allows you to ask for messages to be truncated in this way 
(which is what the web UI does). Other HTTP API users can get the full 
message (although due to the way it's base 64 encoded and stuffed in 
JSON you probably don't want to receive huge messages this way).

Messages are not truncated in the queue, or in any other API.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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