[rabbitmq-discuss] ReplyTo / ReplyToAddress fail to betransferred

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Wed Jan 18 12:55:47 GMT 2012

Hi Steven,

On 18/01/12 12:34, Steven Taylor wrote:
> I tried with publication address which is there for convenience method
> if I remember correctly and also reply-to.  The info just isn't turning
> up in the subscriber.  It is set successfully in the publisher.  No
> exceptions.

To solve this issue can you supply a minimal example that exhibits the
faulty behaviour?

Another useful diagnostic aid is to connect to the broker via the
protocol tracer, or to observe the network traffic with Wireshark (which
has an AMQP protocol analyser). This will confirm whether the producer,
broker or consumer are at fault.


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