[rabbitmq-discuss] Keeping track of exchanges -- Any Advice

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Wed Jan 18 10:38:08 GMT 2012

First of all, can you get the routing you need without every user 
requiring their own exchange? What routing do you need to do?

Cheers, Simon

On 17/01/12 20:27, MarcusR wrote:
> I have a  setup where I need to use a LOT of unique exchanges /
> queues.
> To explain. Essentially, think that every "user" has their own
> exchange and then 3 queues on that exchange. These users may be active
> for a few minutes to days. The time they exist is unknown (depends on
> the user). There are hundreds of thousands of users at a time.
> Periodically, another user may send a message to a user. However, that
> user may or may not be active (have an exchange / queue associated
> with it).
> The x-expires feature is great for the queue. If a user is not active
> in 15 minutes, then all their queues can be deleted. If I set
> auto_delete on exchanges to be true, it is my understanding that that
> exchanges will also be deleted once the queues are. Thats great too.
> The problem is when user A sends a message to user B and user B has
> had their exchange deleted. This will create an error. Ideally, what
> would happen is rabbitmq would just ignore the message. If the user is
> not active, then it does not matter if the message just goes to /dev/
> null.
> Is there a way around this or a way to get the desired behavior? If
> not, what strategies do people use to determine in real time what
> exchanges are active or not or what exchanges need to be deleted or
> not?
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Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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