[rabbitmq-discuss] app_stop fails on RHEL SE-Linux

Ken Baltrinic kbaltrinic at bericotechnologies.com
Tue Jan 17 17:27:41 GMT 2012

I am tasked with installing a rabbit cluster on RHEL (release 5.7
Tikanga) w/SE-Linux (actually the DoDIIS build 2.1.5).  I can
successfully install a single node rabbit instance using the rabbitmq-
server-2.7.1-1.noarch.rpm after installing erlang R15B from source.
However when I attempt to cluster my rabbit2 server with my rabbit1
server, I am unable so successfully execute the rabbitmqctl app_stop
command on rabbit2.  Rather I get the below output.  Thereafter
running rabbitmqctl status shows that the node is still up and
running.  Any ideas?

sh-3.2# rabbitmqctl app_stop
Error: {'EXIT',
                    [app_stop,rabbit at rabbit2,[],
                     [{"-p","/"},{"-n","rabbit at rabbit2"},{"-

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