[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ process getting killed on log off

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Tue Jan 17 17:00:41 GMT 2012


On 17/01/12 16:32, mayank wrote:
> I worked now, I had to copy the erlang cookie from c:\windows to c:
> \users\<current logged-in user> to make rabbitmqctl work with service.
> But I was wondering whether this is the best way. Can't I somehow make
> rabbimqctl look at c:\Windows folder instead?

Erlang will look for a cookie in your home folder. For more exotic
options see

I would advise against too much sophistication, because Erlang will
simply create a new cookie if it can't find one. You might then suddenly
find nodes unable to communicate as a result.


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