[rabbitmq-discuss] Windows RabbitMQ Crashes and Blue Screens under Load

Simone Busoli simone.busoli at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 20:01:58 GMT 2012

Hi James,

If you can provide more details about the load you're applying to the
broker I would be glad to try to reproduce it.
We've been using RabbitMQ on Windows in production for some months now and
didn't experience any weird behavior.
What I'm interested in is whether entities and messages are durable, if you
use transactions or publisher confirms and the like.
On Jan 11, 2012 7:52 PM, <james.poole at rsa.com> wrote:

> Yeah, I should have mentioned that we started out testing with the 64-bit
> version and found this issue... though the VM probably didn't have very
> much more memory than a 32-bit address space would provide.  Then we backed
> down to the 32-bit version to see if it went away, but it didn't.
> I will see if we can send out the test program (it's just a simple java
> app using the rabbitmq-java-client-2.7.1).  If I can send it out, how would
> I go about this... attach to the email or upload it to a server somewhere?
> -James
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Kuch [mailto:jerryk at vmware.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:44 PM
> To: Poole, James
> Cc: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
> Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Windows RabbitMQ Crashes and Blue Screens
> under Load
> James:  Out of curiousity have you tried the new 64-bit release of
> Erlang for Windows in your environment?  The address space size
> limitations of the 32-bit version have been associated with crashy
> Rabbits in the past (although bringing your memory high watermark
> value down so that the back-pressure mechanisms engage when the
> broker is in less trouble may help).  I think you can scare up the
> new Erlang here:
> http://www.erlang.org/download/otp_win64_R15B.exe
> Until recently there was no 64-bit Erlang, so even those running on
> 64-bit Windows boxes were still relegated to 32-bit VMs.
> I am curious about the different results between a physical machine
> and a virtualized one, with one showing a "clean" Erlang VM crash and
> the other exhibiting a blue-screen, fatal OS-wrecker...
> Is the traffic you're using to bring these systems down part of a
> large or proprietary app, or can you extract a bare minimum piece
> of code that brings the pain and share it with us?  If you could
> do the latter we could more easily investigate the situation within
> VMware since the difference in behavior between baremetal and
> virtualization is disquieting...
> Best regards,
> Jerry
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "james poole" <james.poole at rsa.com>
> To: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 10:32:23 AM
> Subject: [rabbitmq-discuss] Windows RabbitMQ Crashes and Blue Screens
> under     Load
> We’ve let loose one of our testing ninjas on RabbitMQ for load testing,
> and we’re consistently running into issues when the high memory watermark
> is hit.
> Windows Server 2003 32-bit , Erlang R15B 32-bit, Rabbit 2.7.1
> 2,000 Consumers each with their own queue bound to a direct exchange
> 1 Producer, publishing a 2 MB message to the exchange, once every second,
> for a total of 50 seconds
> Everything behaves as expected, until the memory footprint hits the high
> watermark, at which point:
> On a physical machine: ERL process crashes and dump file is created
> On a Virtual Machine: Blue Screen of Death is shown and server reboots
> VM environment = VMware, Inc.® vCenter Lab Manager 4.0 (
> One other note is that we see the same problem with ERL R14B04 and Rabbit
> 2.7.0.
> I have looked through the log file and also turned on the console debug
> output, and nothing seems to be jumping out as an error. If needed, I can
> upload the minidump from the Blue Screen and the ERL crash dump file, just
> point me where to do it.
> Let me know if there is anything else I can do to try and help get this
> fixed.
> In the rabbit log, there are no errors, and only a few warnings 20 seconds
> before the crash:
> =INFO REPORT==== 11-Jan-2012::10:55:53 ===
> closing TCP connection <0.4405.0> from
> =WARNING REPORT==== 11-Jan-2012::10:55:53 ===
> exception on TCP connection <0.20552.0> from
> connection_closed_abruptly
> In the console output log file for the physical machine, this is the only
> message I see:
> starting direct_client ...done
> starting notify cluster nodes ...done
> broker running
> Eshell V5.9 (abort with ^G)
> (rabbit at QEDLP082)1>
> Crash dump was written to: C:/Documents and
> Settings/Administrator.QEDLP/Application Data/RabbitMQ/erl_crash.dump
> eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 6731340 bytes of memory (of type "heap").
> in message_loop
> win32sysinfo:Erlang has closed.
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