[rabbitmq-discuss] About exchange bindings

Jerry Kuch jerryk at vmware.com
Wed Jan 11 01:56:29 GMT 2012

Hi, Brian...

Apologies if I'm not quite reading you correctly.  Do you mean
*exchange-to-exchange* bindings as appeared in 2.1.1?  Which 
client(s) are you trying to get them working with?  Your snippet
looks Ruby-ish?

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Jing" <brian.newsgroup at gmail.com>
To: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 5:31:25 PM
Subject: [rabbitmq-discuss] About exchange bindings

Hi there, 

RabbitMQ implemented exchange bindings as an extension to the AMQP protocol. However, I couldn't find detailed documentation about it. 

The function is declared as: 
def exchange_bind(self, callback=None, ticket=0, destination=None, source=None, routing_key='', nowait=False, arguments={}): 

My questions are: 
1. In the function definition, what does the argument "ticket" mean, and how to use it? 
2. What is the set of arguments for "arguments = {}"? 

It'd be great if someone could explain with examples. Thanks heaps! 



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