[rabbitmq-discuss] Can NOT start 2.8.6 (using R15B03), Can start 3.0

Jerry Kuch jerryk at rbcon.com
Wed Dec 19 04:44:36 GMT 2012

Although Rabbit will
upgrade its Mnesia schema to newer versions when an upgrade is first installed, that code doesn't IIRC do the reverse. Assuming there's nothing in your Mnesia that you want to keep you should try blowing them away and then starting 2.8.x.  If there is stuff there you want to keep, reinstall 3.0, export the stuff for safekeeping, then trash Mnesia and go back to 2.8.6.

Alternatively you could play with the environment settings to put Mnesia somewhere else for one of the versions...

Sent from my iPhone (Brevity and typos are hopefully the result of 1-fingered typing rather than rudeness or illiteracy).

On Dec 18, 2012, at 6:37 PM, John Smith <roanoketech at yahoo.com> wrote:

> ON Windows 2008, I can install RabbitMQ 3.0 (latest version with Erlang otp_win32_R15B03-1.exe
> It installs and starts properly
> However, If i uninstall Rabbit and install RabbitMQ 2.8.6 (preparing for the VMWare version), it installs well, but I get the following error
> {"init terminating in do_boot",{function_clause,[{lists,usort,[['rabbit at IMPOSSIB
> LE2'|{['rabbit at IMPOSSIBLE2'],['rabbit at IMPOSSIBLE2']}]],[{file,"lists.erl"},{line
> ,992}]},{rabbit_upgrade,maybe_upgrade_mnesia,0,[]},{rabbit,prepare,0,[]},{init,e
> val_script,8,[{file,"init.erl"},{line,842}]},{init,do_boot,3,[{file,"init.erl"},
> {line,748}]}]}}
> init terminating in do_boot ()
> I am guessing the problem is the ERLANG level
> What is the correct level for erlang for RabiitMQ 2.8.6, or is this another problem
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