[rabbitmq-discuss] AIX and HPUX

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Tue Dec 18 09:58:40 GMT 2012


On 18/12/12 06:11, Romeo Mark Mateo wrote:
> Is the rabbitmq supported on AIX and HPUX servers?

The question is rather whether Erlang is supported on those platforms.
RabbitMQ should run fine on any platform as long as Erlang is present.

Is is possible to compile Erlang on AIX and HPUX, though some
modifications to the Erlang sources are required in both cases. We only
have access to AIX 5.3, and I'm happy to share some patches for it. We
don't have access to HPUX, but there are reports on the Erlang mailing
lists of others having success.


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