[rabbitmq-discuss] Pika 0.9.8 Released

Dan Wise DWise at capulaglobal.com
Tue Dec 4 14:53:17 GMT 2012


I have been using pika 0.9.8 with messages with only properties, but a body size of zero.

I am finding that the callback registered with the consumer does not get called.

Having debugged through it, I am only getting the Method and Header frames, but no Body frame. Is this expected behaviour?


From: rabbitmq-discuss-bounces at lists.rabbitmq.com [mailto:rabbitmq-discuss-bounces at lists.rabbitmq.com] On Behalf Of Gavin M. Roy
Sent: 18 November 2012 23:30
To: Discussions about RabbitMQ
Subject: [rabbitmq-discuss] Pika 0.9.8 Released

Pika 0.9.8 is purely a bugfix release addressing issues raised in 0.9.6 and 0.9.7 and has been uploaded to pypi. It has been tested against all the python demos at RabbitMQ.com and appears to work as expected in those cases. Thanks to those who reported issues.

The documentation has been updated and can found at http://pika.readthedocs.org/


 *   Channel.queue_declare/BlockingChannel.queue_declare not setting up callbacks property for empty queue name (Issue #218)
 *   Channel.queue_bind/BlockingChannel.queue_bind not allowing empty routing key
 *   Connection._on_connection_closed calling wrong method in Channel (Issue #219)
 *   Fix tx_commit and tx_rollback bugs in BlockingChannel (Issue #217)
If you happen across any bugs, please report them at https://github.com/pika/pika/issues



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