[rabbitmq-discuss] RMQ-3.0.0 multi rabbit nodes not able to start .

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 10:52:35 GMT 2012

2012/12/4 PONMUTHU M <ponmuthu at omnesysindia.com>

> my aim to start multiple nodes in same mgmt plugin 15672
> is there any way to do that ?

There is no: RabbitMQ management plugin is a separate Erlang application
running in the same VM as
RabbitMQ. If you start 3 nodes on the same machine, you run 3 Erlang VMs,
each with its own rabbit
plus its own management plugin copy. There is no way to share the plugin
between VMs, so they need
to use different ports.

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