[rabbitmq-discuss] Is heartbeat option working in C-client?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Sun Dec 2 16:43:36 GMT 2012


On 02/12/12 15:49, Dawn L wrote:
>       Thanks for your quick response. My client has sent messages to the
> server right after the connection is opened, as well as when heartbeat
> is received... I'm pretty sure that the server has received the message
> since my client has got a response from it. Everything looks to be right
> and according the requirement, that's why I suspect that the heartbeat
> machanism might not be fully working on the server side, since even
> though it receives data from the client it still tears down the
> connection.

Lots of users have heartbeats enabled in their clients. This is 
well-tested code at the server, and hasn't changed for ages. So this is 
very unlikely to be a server problem.

> I wonder if you or anybody have been using heartbeat in
> C-client and has it ever worked?

I'd be surprised if there are no users of the C client that have 
heartbeats enabled.

As I suggested before, your best bet is probably run a packet capture 
with wireshark (or similar) to help identify the problem.

> server log says:
> "=ERROR REPORT==== 2-Dec-2012::10:04:05 ===
> closing AMQP connection <0.13204.0>  (client ip:54786 -> server ip:5672):
> {timeout,running}

Right, that's the server saying it didn't receive any data or a 
heartbeat for too long. The message is more informative in more recent 
version of rabbit - though the logic hasn't changed - so you may want to 



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