[rabbitmq-discuss] Java client threading design

Kashif Shaikh kashifshaikh2.0 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 18:03:58 BST 2012

I'm just trying to understand the threading design:

- When a consumer is started for any queue on a particular channel, a 
thread is selected from the default executor service?
- Does a channel create a thread for itself?

- I have a threadpool for my application that processes requests and does 
consumes (amongst other tasks) - I don't want my threadpool servicing the 
consume callbacks.  So can I keep a single global channel, and just call 
basicConsume and register callbacks that will be executed on the default 
executor? Or should I create a channel for each thread in my threadpool, 
and then use channel.basicConsume()? 

- what happens if connection breaks - do I have to re-consume again?

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