[rabbitmq-discuss] AMQP protocol version mismatch

Gordon Sim gsim at redhat.com
Wed Aug 29 18:35:05 BST 2012

On 08/29/2012 04:21 PM, Paolo wrote:
> I tried to do what suggested.
> Stopping the service
> "/sbin/service qpidd stop"
> and restarting RabbitMQ my application gets the error "Connection
> refused" as shown in the attached file "TomcatErrorLogWithQpiddOFF.txt"
> The server notworking as shown in the image file "Server DOWN.jpg"
> but starting the service qpidd
> "/sbin/service qpidd start"
> the error returned is the one shown in the attached file
> "TomcatErrorLogWithQpiddON.txt"
> The server is working properly and it is listening on port 5672as shown
> in the attached file "Server UP.jpg"
> I thought that the problem could be related to the version of the client
> and the server, but is in contradiction with the behavior on ubuntu
> where it seems to work properly

I think this confirms that it is qpidd running on 5672. When started you 
get a protocol version error; when stopped there is nothing listening.

While qpidd is listening on 5672, RabbitMQ will be unable to do so. 
However when you stop qpidd and restart RabbitMQ, it *should* then start 
listening. If it dod not do so, as you indicate above, there may be some 
other configuration error. What do the logs say for RabbitMQ after the 
restart? Any errors or warnings?

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