[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ Shovel config with Alternate-Exchange

Francesco Mazzoli francesco at rabbitmq.com
Thu Aug 23 16:33:59 BST 2012

One more thing:

At Thu, 23 Aug 2012 14:48:20 +0000,
Kenneth Ross wrote:
>                 [{sources, [{broker, "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/test"}

If it's a local broker, you can just use the AMQP uri <amqp://test>, which will
connect via a direct connection (in other words it will sends erlang messages
directly instead of AMQP frames via TCP).

> {{shutdown, {server_initiated_close,406, <<"PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'alternate-exchange'for exchange 'my-exchange-topic' in vhost 'blah': received none but current is the value 'alt' of type 'longstr'">>}}, {gen_server,call, [<0.473.0>, {call, {'exchange.declare',0,<<"my-exchange-topic">>,<<"topic">>,false, true,false,false,false,[]}, none,<0.444.0>}, infinity]}}

This error is given by the fact that you're trying to declare
`my-exchange-topic' with the shovel configuration, but the exchange is already

If the resources that you need are already present, you don't need to specify
them in the shovel config.

Francesco * Often in error, never in doubt

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