[rabbitmq-discuss] limits.conf not working...

Gonzalo Fernandez gonzalo.fernandez at stoneworksolutions.net
Thu Apr 19 09:59:13 BST 2012

Thanks Matt,

now I know.

Anyway, trying, based on this new information you guys gave me, I figured
out that having* /etc/security/limits.conf*

*rabbitmq  soft  nofile 10000*
*rabbitmq  hard  nofile 65000*
*root  soft  nofile 10000*
*root  hard  nofile 65000*

Editing */etc/pam.d/common-session{,-noninteractive}* adding:
*session required pam_limits.so*

And editing the */etc/init.d/rabbit-server* file making root the user to
execute the script (*START_PROG="start-stop-daemon -v --chuid root --start
--exec"*) I got to see the rabbitmq limit.conf value on  the management
site, which I couldn't see before.....

I know it is rough... *I do not recommend doing this *but it is just to
check that limits.conf works.

I installed everything from zero, again. On a brand new machine. And it
works.... Now it works.... without doing anything strange.
I modify the limits.conf file and I see it on the management plugin site.
It is incredible... I still don't know what is wrong on the other machine,
but it works on this new one.



2012/4/18 Matthias Radestock <matthias at rabbitmq.com>

> On 18/04/12 10:56, Gonzalo Fernandez wrote:
>> In another machine, same system different rabbit version (2.7.1 insteasd
>> of 2.8.1) it worked perfectly.
>> Simon said that the version could not be the problem.
>> "No. RabbitMQ only ever *reports* on the FD limits it is seeing, it
>> doesn't impose any more. And this code has not changed from 2.7.1 to
>> 2.8.1"
>> *
>> *
>> I can't scratch my head any longer...
>> Has anyone had this problem before? Any thoughts?
> There was a change between 2.7.1 and 2.8.0 that may have caused this. The
> startup scripts on debian-like systems now use 'start-stop-daemon' instead
> of 'su', which resolved the long outstanding problem of rabbit sometimes
> preventing the OS from shutting down. Needs investigating.
> Matthias.
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