[rabbitmq-discuss] Publish on a queue, then Monitor on a reply queue, with only 1 connection to the RabbitMQ server? Non-blocking?

Christopher Lefevre CLefevre at Transparent.com
Tue Sep 6 15:52:17 BST 2011

Here is the very basic publish, and then basic consume with a new queue.

def _on_queue_declared(self, frame):
        self.StrReturn_Message = None

                            properties = pika.BasicProperties(
                                reply_to = self.reply_to,
                                correlation_id = self.correlationID
        self.channel.basic_consume(self._return_stack, queue=self.reply_to)

-Christopher Lefevre

From: Michael Klishin [mailto:michael.s.klishin at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 9:38 AM
To: Christopher Lefevre
Cc: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Publish on a queue, then Monitor on a reply queue, with only 1 connection to the RabbitMQ server? Non-blocking?

2011/9/6 Christopher Lefevre <CLefevre at transparent.com<mailto:CLefevre at transparent.com>>
Though I also wanted it to be non-blocking so the website isn’t stuck waiting for the reply, but rather can be updated as needed. Currently, I can get it to work if there is a pause, like when stepping through the program in a debugger, but when it runs without myself stepping through, it simply hangs when the queue is created and the message is never picked up.

Please post a code example that is at least similar to your actual code.


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