[rabbitmq-discuss] Queue size of the mirrored queue

||M|| cyberdotnl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 12:53:09 BST 2011


At this moment I'm testing the HA active/active setup of rabbitMQ to
see if we can replace or current messagging solution with it. I
created the clustered on 2virutal machines and I must say I like what
I see so far.

I just have 1 question. Is it correct that I can't see the number of
messages that are in my durable queue when is processing. When I sent
(for example) 1.000.000 messages to the queue (using the fanout
exchange with 1 queue bind) with my publisher it will take some time,
but when it's done the subscribers are still receiving, because this
is not so fast as the publishing it will take much more time. But the
queue size is 3 messages at most.

It's not very imported because it just the interface, but I'm a little
bit concurred about where this message are if the management interface
(and the command line tool) can see them anywhere.

Does anyone have the same issue or have some more information about



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