[rabbitmq-discuss] BOOT ERROR: FAILED

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Fri Oct 28 11:13:44 BST 2011

On 28/10/11 08:19, Matti Linnanvuori wrote:
> Reason: {{bad_return_value,{error,{node_not_running,'rabbit at iac-pgis'}}},
>           {gen_server2,call,[<0.219.0>,{init,true},infinity]}}

Hmm. So during startup the node decided it was not running any more.

So either:

a) Someone else got it to shut down while you were starting it up, or
b) It shut down for some reason that didn't end up in the startup log.

If a) sounds wrong then can you send us / upload somewhere the contents 
of the log directory on that machine?

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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