[rabbitmq-discuss] behavior when erlang processes exhausted

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Thu May 26 13:48:07 BST 2011


Aaron Westendorf wrote:
> Thanks guys, I expected that. For what it's worth, Rabbit hung in
> there for several hours before finally breaching said horizon.
> We're going to adjust our settings and add some monitoring for how
> close we are to the limit.

I don't think increasing the process limit is a good idea unless you 
know there are good reasons for why your application would exceed the 
defaults. As I said in my earlier reply ...

There are very few things in rabbit that use up processes. Queues, 
connections and channels being the main ones. Do you expect high numbers 
of these in your application? If yes then there is no harm in raising 
the process limit except for an increased initial memory footprint. If 
no then you may want to have a look at the state of your system with 
'rabbitmqctl list_*' to determine what kind of resource is showing an 
unexpectedly high count.



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