[rabbitmq-discuss] On-Premise / Public RabbitMQ Cluster

Fitzgerald, Joe Joe.Fitzgerald at emc.com
Tue May 24 18:31:23 BST 2011


I'm interested in understanding if anyone's established a RabbitMQ cluster that spans private infrastructure and public infrastructure. For example:

  *   RabbitMQ nodes on-premise
  *   RabbitMQ nodes on EC2 instances
  *   One single cluster
  *   A message sent to a queue via an on-premise node can be retrieved from the queue from an EC2 node, and vice-versa
  *   Etc…

Recognizing that the Shovel plugin could be used to partially simulate this scenario, are there any other options? What are the security / connectivity / latency implications? Can this be done without a VPN?

Best Regards,

Joe Fitzgerald
National Competency Lead – App Dev & Integration

EMC Consulting
Mobile: (303) 888-3964 | joe.fitzgerald at emc.com<mailto:joe.fitzgerald at emc.com>

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