[rabbitmq-discuss] 2.4.1 features

Steven Taylor taylste at gmail.com
Sat May 21 12:50:10 BST 2011

slightly better info here:

"The consumer tag is local to a channel" -- so we're talking about
identifying one consumer, of many listenning in to a single channel?

If we've got a field/tag for a particular consumer (even one on the same
channel), perhaps it'd be nice to have a publisher-tag as well.  i.e.
issolate a particular publisher for tracing purposes.  reply-to merely
distinguishes the queue.

Maybe I could use "IDictionary arguments" could be used for this instead?
I've ignored "arguments" up until now.


On 21 May 2011 12:33, Steven Taylor <taylste at gmail.com> wrote:

> also, what's consumerTag?  Best I could find on it is, "The ConsumerTag
> property of DefaultBasicConsumer can be used to retrieve the
> server-generated consumer tag, in cases where none was supplied to the
> original IModel.BasicConsume call."
> Does that say I can uniquely identify the client, or alternatively
> the server... or make some other miscellaneous use out of it?  It'd be nice
> if the protocol gurus could put a few notes in about intention, or how the
> concept originated.
> thanks,
> -Steven
> On 21 May 2011 12:14, Steven Taylor <taylste at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> just upgrading from 2.2 to 2.4.1.  Would noAck typically be set to "false"
>> in prior versions for BasicConsume?
>>    BasicConsume(string queue, bool noAck, string consumerTag,
>> IBasicConsumer consumer)
>> Also, seems like you've snuck in some nice features into the patterns area
>> like EventingBasicConsumer (thanks Simone for your example on this...
>> otherwise I wouldn't have known about it). How are you Rabbit folk currently
>> making announcements about new features?
>> -Steven
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