[rabbitmq-discuss] [Platform Team] Preview Release of Haigha

Aaron Westendorf aaron at agoragames.com
Mon May 16 13:08:00 BST 2011


The script is coded at 10 exchanges, for no particular reason other
than that's where I left it. It's measuring round-trip time, and I
picked a default of 500 channels to saturate the stack with frames,
partial frames, channel switching, etc. In addition to testing raw
speed, I use it to regression test memory management.


On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Alexis Richardson <alexis at rabbitmq.com> wrote:
> Aaron
> What is the fanout ratio and is the 48k measuring ingress or total
> throughput?  I'm guessing it's 1:1 and ingress.
> alexis
> On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Aaron Westendorf <aaron at agoragames.com> wrote:
>> I haven't directly compared to pika, but here are some numbers from a
>> post I made back in April. We forked the py-amqpib library to support
>> libevent early in 2009, and then late last year re-wrote it from
>> scratch. The stress_test script included in the haigha source
>> generated these numbers and could be ported to compare against pika.
>> Server:
>> Ubuntu 10.04 2.6.32-24-server x86_64
>> 2 cpu, 6 cores each with hyperthreading, Xeon X5650 @ 2.67GHz
>> 132GB RAM (beam used 500MB max)
>> Rabbit 2.4.0 in SMP mode, default configuration (-K true -A30 -P 1048576)
>> 1 direct exchange, 6000 queues, 6000 channels each pub-subing their own queue
>> 48k messages/sec
>> Clients:
>> Ubuntu 10.04 2.6.32-24-server x86_64
>> 4 VMware hosts, 4 processors each, Xeon X7350 @ 2.93 GHz
>> 3 client processes, 500 channels each
>> On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 9:40 PM, Jason J. W. Williams
>> <jasonjwwilliams at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> How does this differ from Pika's asyncore or Tornado bindings in terms of
>>> performance?
>>> -J
>>> Sent via iPhone
>>> Is your email Premiere?
>>> On May 14, 2011, at 18:17, Brian Corrigan <brian at agoragames.com> wrote:
>>> Aaron -
>>> Wow man, I know how long you guys have been working on this.  Congrats and
>>> really nice work!
>>> -B
>>> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Aaron Westendorf <aaron at agoragames.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm pleased to announce that we finally have a preview release of
>>>> haigha, our Python AMQP client library built off libevent, available
>>>> on github and pypi. See the repo for documentation, examples and
>>>> installation instructions. I hope everyone finds this useful, and I
>>>> look forward to your feedback.
>>>> https://github.com/agoragames/haigha
>>>> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/haigha
>>>> cheers,
>>>> Aaron
>>>> --
>>>> Aaron Westendorf
>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>> Agora Games
>>>> 359 Broadway
>>>> Troy, NY 12180
>>>> Phone: 518.268.1000
>>>> aaron at agoragames.com
>>>> www.agoragames.com
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>>> --
>>> Brian Corrigan
>>> 359 Broadway
>>> Troy, NY 12180
>>> W: 518.288.8075 (New)
>>> C: 518.867.1439
>>> Skype: agorabrian
>>> agoragames.com | majorleaguegaming.com
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>> --
>> Aaron Westendorf
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Agora Games
>> 359 Broadway
>> Troy, NY 12180
>> Phone: 518.268.1000
>> aaron at agoragames.com
>> www.agoragames.com
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>> rabbitmq-discuss mailing list
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Aaron Westendorf
Senior Software Engineer
Agora Games
359 Broadway
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: 518.268.1000
aaron at agoragames.com

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