[rabbitmq-discuss] Problem rabbitmq crash

Alvaro Videla videlalvaro at gmail.com
Fri May 13 14:51:09 BST 2011

Probably he refers to a bug that was in an older version of RabbitMQ? I don't remember which one, but I recall that purging a queue with many messages will make RabbitMQ crash, or go very very slow.

If that's the case, then upgrading should do. 

On May 13, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Matthew Sackman wrote:

> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 08:17:17PM +0800, yaohui wrote:
>> I found that :
>> 1. the memory of machine is not enougth that would cause this problem
>> 2. when delete lots of messages would make mq crash
> Can you elaborate on what you mean by "delete lots of messages would
> make mq crash". You can't "delete" a message...
> Also, please try upgrading to the latest, 2.4.1.
> Matthew
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