[rabbitmq-discuss] JSON-RPC Channel Plugin

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Fri May 6 10:45:02 BST 2011

On 06/05/11 03:32, Gavin M. Roy wrote:
> The JSON-RPC Channel plugin appears to log to stdout which makes it
> immune to the "rabbitmqctl rotate_logs" command. As we're using it in
> production, the startup file is getting pretty large in places. Is this
> considered a bug? Any suggestions?
> An example of what ends up being spit out in the startup log:
> debug:: HTTP Channel started, timeout 300
> debug:: HTTP Channel timed out, closing.

Bleh. One quirk of the rabbit_log module is that debug messages are 
always written to stdout. I don't think those should be debug messages - 
I'll raise a bug to fix this.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
SpringSource, a division of VMware

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