[rabbitmq-discuss] My attempt at a high-level API for .NET

Mike Hadlow mike.hadlow at 15below.com
Thu May 5 15:50:32 BST 2011

Thanks Brian,

It's reassuring to hear that you are also successfully using QueueingBasicConsumer. I don't suppose you'd be willing to share your code?

Very interesting to hear that you are working with Mono. So I guess that means that the Rabbit .NET client is mono compatible. EasyNetQ should run well under mono too, I'll give it a try.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Murphy [mailto:bmurphy1976 at gmail.com]
Sent: 05 May 2011 15:14
To: Mike Hadlow
Cc: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] My attempt at a high-level API for .NET

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Mike Hadlow <mike.hadlow at 15below.com> wrote:
> I've just published details of a high level .NET API for Rabbit/AMQP:
> http://mikehadlow.blogspot.com/2011/05/easynetq-simple-net-api-for-rab
> bitmq.html

I've more or less gone through the same process as you.  I've been through a few iterations, and this is what I've settled on so far.

I have an IBus interface that is configured to send messages to a topic exchange, and then I create multiple instances of that class configured to multiple exchange (i.e. new Bus("host", "port", "exchange")).  The reason I do this is to de-emphasize exchanges and emphasize routes to reduce the cognitive burden for the rest of our team.  The whole exchange/route model gives us more flexibility than we need so I've simplified somewhat.

IBus looks like this:

variations of send:

        void Send(params object[] messages)
        void Send<TMessage>(params TMessage[] messages)
        void Send(IEnumerable<object> messages)
        void Send<TMessage>(IEnumerable<TMessage> messages)

a route method allowing explicit definition of the route:

        void Route(string routeName, params object[] messages)
        void Route(string routeName, IEnumerable<object> messages)
        void Route<TMessage>(string routeName, params TMessage[] messages)
        void Route<TMessage>(string routeName, IEnumerable<TMessage> messages)

async versions of all of the above:

        void SendAsync<TMessage>(IEnumerable<TMessage> messages)
        void RouteAsync<TMessage>(string routeName, params TMessage[] messages)

RPC requests:

        object SendAndReceive(Type responseType, object request)
        object SendAndReceive(Type responseType, object request, TimeSpan timeout)
        TResponse SendAndReceive<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request)
        TResponse SendAndReceive<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request, TimeSpan timeout)

        object RouteAndReceive(Type responseType, string routeName, object request)
        object RouteAndReceive(Type responseType, string routeName, object request, TimeSpan timeout)
        TResponse RouteAndReceive<TRequest, TResponse>(string routeName, TRequest request)
        TResponse RouteAndReceive<TRequest, TResponse>(string routeName, TRequest request, TimeSpan timeout)

IBus also has a RouteNameSelector property that references a class with one method:

        string SelectRouteName(BusConfig config, object message);

This can be swapped out for alternate implementations, but the default does the following when calling Send methods (this is not used for the Route methods):

        1. if message implements IRoutable, return IRoutable.RouteName
        2. if message has [RouteNameAttribute("RouteName")] return "RouteName"
        3. otherwise return message.GetType().Name

subscriptions look like this:

var subscription = bus.Subscribe
        .WithHandler(msg => { do something });


// where THandler : ConsumerOf<TMessage> var subscription = bus.Subscribe
        .ToQueue("queue name #1")
        .ToQueue("queue name #2")
        .WithContainerScopedHandler<TMessage, THandler>(container);

// equates for each message to:
// using (var childContainer = container.CreateLifeTimeContainer()) {
//      var handler = container.Resolve<THandler>();
//      handler.Consume(message);
// }


There are, of course, many overloads that allow me to consume messages in a variety of different ways (interface based, reflection method based, delegate based, etc. with and without scoping to a container) and additional fluent methods to control retries, timeouts, dead letter handling, and the likes.

> Feedback would be much appreciated. I'm especially hoping that someone
> will look at the way I'm consuming messages. Currently with a simple
> while loop in a new thread:
> https://github.com/mikehadlow/EasyNetQ/blob/master/EasyNetQ/QueueingCo
> nsumerFactory.cs
> I'm sure there must be a better way.

We use QueueingBasicConsumer and are quite happy with it.  I haven't had a need to use anything else.  Looking at our code, it's a little different, but most of that just has to do error handling and the additional code needed to support our abstractions.


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