[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ Test case - Possible Memory Leak problem

Crisoforo Seccia cristofer.seccia at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 11:44:54 GMT 2011

I'm developing a stress test to compare and measure the performance between
RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ. Also the objective was to compare the standard AMQP
with the JMS specifications. There is something that I would like to share
with the community since I think in could be a possible bug or a memory leak
problem. The stress test is very easy; there are no exponential ore base
variables, just a linear test case. I'm going to describe the scenario.
The scenario is composed by two JAVA clients: a publisher and a subscriber,
and one instance of RabbitMQ (V. 2.2.0) running over a virtual machine 2GB
RAM. The clients, both publisher and subscriber are placed in two different
physical machines. The messages to be sent by the publisher and received by
the subscriber are described within a cluster. A cluster specifies the size
of the body message (in byte) and the total number of messages to send and
receive for that dimension. Ex: C1 = (512::10000). The publisher uses a list
of clusters, and for each one of them it starts a new loop in which messages
are sent. Es: C1 = (512::500000); C2 = (1024::100000); C3 = (2048::10000).
At begin and at the end of each cluster, the publisher sends a special
message used to inform the subscriber that a new cluster is started or is
just finished. Also a special message is sent to the subscriber when all the
clusters have been elaborated. The subscriber does nothing more than
receiving messages and calculates the elapsed time (in seconds) between the
start and the end message for each cluster. The Publisher uses a "direct"
exchange (non-durable, non auto-delete) to publish the messages while the
subscriber creates and binds a new queue over the same "direct" exchange.

This is the code used to initialize the publisher:

ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
conn = factory.newConnection();
channel = conn.createChannel();
boolean durable = false;
boolean autoDelete = false;
channel.exchangeDeclare("linearTest", "direct", durable, autoDelete, null);
//Define some properties
AMQP.BasicProperties props = MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_TEXT_PLAIN;
Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>();
headers.put("TestCommand", CURRENT_COMMAND);
//Basic publish
channel.basicPublish("linearExch", "linearKey", props,

This is the code used to initialize the subscriber:

ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection conn = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel = conn.createChannel();
boolean durable = false;
boolean autoDelete = false;
boolean exclusive = false;
channel.exchangeDeclare("linearExch", "direct", durable, autoDelete, null);
channel.queueDeclare("linearQueue", durable, exclusive, autoDelete, null);
channel.queueBind("linearQueue", "linearExch", "linearKey", null);
QueueingConsumer consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel);
boolean autoAck = false;
channel.basicConsume("linearQueue", autoAck, consumer);

while (true) {
try {
QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = consumer.nextDelivery();
channel.basicAck(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false);
//If shutdown from the publisher is received
if (shutdown) {
catch (InterruptedException ie) {

This is how I've set up the test case:

1.    Started the RabbitMQ broker by using the .bat "rubbitmq-server.bat"
(NO extra configuration used).
2.    Open the task manager to view the RabbitMQ (.erl process) memory
3.    Started the subscriber.
4.    Started the publisher.
5.    Defined Clusters As: {C1(512:10000); C2(512:10000); C3(512:10000);
C4(512:100000); C5(512:100000); C6(512:100000); C7(1024:10000);
C8(1024:10000); C9(1024:10000); C10(1024:100000); C11(1024:100000);
C12(1024:100000); C13(2048:10000); C14(2048:10000); C15(2048:10000);
C16(2048:100000); C17(2048:100000); C18(2048:100000) }

These are some results and notifications:

. I've started a first test case, I've noticed that RabbitMQ uses lots of
memory during the test. At the first step, where only the broker was
running, just 19 KB of memory were used. At the end of the process the
memory usage increases up to more than 850 KB. After stopping the publisher
and the subscriber, the memory usage was very slowly decreasing from
850-800KB down to 50-20 KB.

. I've started a second test case but this time using the publisher and the
subscriber over the same physical machine. After a few minutes the broker
crashed down showing the following message: "eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate
373662860 bytes of memory (of type "heap")". I've repeated the same test
more and more but every time the broker crashed down.

. I’ve started a third test case, similar to the first one (publisher and
subscriber placed in two different machines) but this time using the
following cluster list:  {C1(512:10000); C2(512:10000); C3(512:10000);
C4(512:100000); C5(512:100000); C6(512:100000); C7(512:500000);
C8(512:500000); C9(512:500000)}. At the time of elaborating the last element
(C9) the broker crashed down showing the same message as the one in the
previous test.

I think that the reason for the second test case can be found in the network
usage, which causes the broker to store in the memory a lots of message
because publisher and subscriber are placed in the same machine and, it’s
clearly that the subscriber leads substantially the usage and the
performance of the process (maybe because of the acknowledgements). But I
don’t have a good idea for the third test case, which causes the same error.

Now I’m facing with the fact that, comparing to ActiveMQ, the second test
and the third test are successfully done, in fact, even if the subscriber
and the publisher are placed in the same machine (the ActiveMQ broker runs
in the same virtual machine as the one used for the RabbitMQ) the test case
comes successfully to the end, and the broke doesn’t crash down. However,
the first test case (described in the first point) seems to be more
efficient, in terms of seconds, by using RabbitMQ.

Here some questions:

. In general, what do you think about the test?
. Am I adopting a very strange test case which is not well handled by
. Is there any connection with the solved bug described in the RabbitMQ 2.2
release notes (“fix memory leak when long-running channels consume and
cancel on many queues”)?
. How does RabbitMQ handle message flooding? As stated in ActiveMQ official
page, the flow control, in the current version means that: “if the broker
detects that the memory limit for the destination, or the temp- or
file-store limits for the broker, have been exceeded, then the flow of
messages can be slowed down. The producer will be either blocked until
resources are available or will receive a JMSException”.

Thanks for any response.
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