[rabbitmq-discuss] facing issues with the SSL implementations with RabbitMQ + Windows + .Net

Abhijit abhijit.sinha at kiprosh.com
Mon Aug 8 15:09:19 BST 2011


We had develop an application for the RabbitMQ both the publisher as 
well as subscriber using the fanout exchange, which is working fine. But 
now we want to implement the ssl with our publisher as well as 
subscriber to provide traffic encryption. But haven't been able to 
implement and getting it worked still, i have followed the steps as 
provided in this link : _http://www.rabbitmq.com/ssl.html_. I have 
created the certificates as instructed in this blog, also i have 
implemented the code for .net as provided. I have not been able to find 
out does my code refers to the rabbitmq.config file which i have created 
as per the rabbitmq blog and placed it in the appdata/rabbitMQ as for 
windows. But am not sure is this being referred,
the config file:
> [
>   {rabbit, [
>      {ssl_listeners, [5671]},
>      {ssl_options, [{cacertfile,"C:\testca/cacert.cer"},
>                     {certfile,"C:\server/cert.pem"},
>                     {keyfile,"C:\server/key.pem"},
>                     {verify,verify_peer},
>                     {fail_if_no_peer_cert,false}]}
>    ]}
> ]
we are using the rabbitMQ Service with the latest version of 2.5.1, 
Erlang R14B02 and on .Net on Windows. Am i missing something or do we 
need something extra for running on .net and windows.

Thanks and Regards,

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