[rabbitmq-discuss] State monad question

Jon Brisbin jon at jbrisbin.com
Fri Apr 1 02:12:41 BST 2011

Thanks for the explanation! :)


On Mar 31, 2011, at 6:44 PM, Matthew Sackman wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 01:19:13PM -0500, Jon Brisbin wrote:
>> Saw the traffic today about the State/Cut stuff and looked at the
>> code. But I feel like the guy who misses the joke and everyone else is
>> laughing.
>> Can someone throw me a bone here and let me in on why the hubbub?
>> What's the significance? Look at this as a teachable moment. ;)
> Monads are a useful and powerful control-flow mechanism in any language.
> However, for them to be easily used, the language tends to need to
> directly support them in syntax, or have a very flexible and extensible
> syntax.
> In Erlang, let's say we have the three lines of code:
>    A = foo(),
>    B = bar(A, dog),
>    ok.
> They are three, straight forward statements, which are evaluated
> consecutively. What a Monad gives you is control over what happens
> before the first statement, between the statements, and after the last
> statment. It is this control that makes them so powerful.
> Now of course, there's absolutely nothing profound going on here: you
> could just implement as follows:
>    begin(),
>    A = foo(),
>    middle(),
>    B = bar(A, dog),
>    middle(),
>    ok,
>    end().
> But that's not quite powerful enough, because it would be nice if
> instead the extra funs had some understanding that A and B have been
> bound to, and that they knew what was coming next. So instead, we could
> introduce a sort of chaining function called 'andthen':
>    andthen(foo(),
>            fun (A) -> andthen(bar(A, dog),
>                               fun (B) -> ok end)).
> Thus the function 'andthen' takes all results from the previous
> expression, and controls how and whether they are passed to the next
> expression.
> As defined, the 'andthen' function is the monadic function '>>='.
> Now it's very very difficult to read the program with the 'andthen'
> function (especially as Erlang is so annoying and doesn't allow us to
> define new infix functions), which is why some special syntax is
> necessary. Haskell has it's 'do' notation, and so I've borrowed from
> that and abused Erlang's list comprehensions. Haskell also has lovely
> type-classes, which I've sort of faked. So, with erlando, you can write
> in Erlang:
>    do([Monad ||
>        A <- foo(),
>        B <- bar(A, dog),
>        ok]).
> which is readable and straightforward, but is transformed into:
>    Monad:'>>='(foo(),
>                fun (A) -> Monad:'>>='(bar(A, dog),
>                                       fun (B) -> ok end))
> There is no intention that this latter form is any more readable than
> the 'andthen' form - it is not. However, it should be clear that the
> function Monad:'>>='/2 now has complete control over what happens: does
> the fun on the RHS ever get invoked? If so, with what value?
> A few years ago, I was working entirely in Haskell and I watched new
> people pick up the language and it became something of a rite of passage
> that everyone wrote their own (awful) tutorial on monads. I never did
> that, and I think that looking at them from a different language helps
> see them in a different light: it's simply a control structure that
> allows you to inject all sorts of other functionality between and around
> "normal" looking lines of code.
> One of the things it can help with, as Alvaro pointed out, is dealing
> with endless nested 'case' statements, especially when dealing with
> errors. Somthing like a maybe or error monad can completely get rid of
> the nesting, because it is the maybe:'>>='/2 function that detects
> whether or not the lhs errored, and if it did error, the rhs is never
> invoked.
> See http://hg.rabbitmq.com/erlando/file/a1c8f1c874c6/test/src/maybe.erl
> or http://hg.rabbitmq.com/erlando/file/a1c8f1c874c6/test/src/error.erl -
> hopefully it should seem completely trivial at this point how this
> works.
> The other thing is that we have quite a lot of test code that does
> things like:
>   test(S0) ->
>     S1 = foo:a(S0),
>     S2 = foo:b(S1),
>     ...
>     S40 = foo:aw(S39),
>     ...
> This is _horrible_ code because whenever you change it, you have to
> rename a billion variables, which is surprisingly error prone and makes
> the diff much larger. The State monad can be used to completely hide the
> state that's being passed around here. I don't really want to try and
> explain how the State monad works (ultimately, rather than evaluating
> the rhs, the '>>=' function returns a new function which simply
> maybe-modifies the state), but to give you a small example, compare:
> http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-server/file/default/src/rabbit_tests.erl#l2293
> with
> http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-server/file/e227a13c93a4/src/rabbit_tests.erl#l2296
> They are the same test. The latter has been rewritten to use the State
> monad (and it also uses 'cuts' which are a form of partial application
> which I also implemented in erlando today). Now the 2nd version is a
> fraction longer - it has to do some work to set up the monad and it also
> suffers from going over the 80-column limit and so having to wrap lines,
> but which looks more maintainable to you, and which is actually simpler
> to read and to modify?
> I hope that sheds a little light on it all.
> The parse transformers, some monad implementations, and some tests for
> this stuff are all available at http://hg.rabbitmq.com/erlando/
> Matthew
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Jon Brisbin

Twitter: @j_brisbin

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