[rabbitmq-discuss] Understanding RabbitMQ clustering

Kshitiz Garg stephanion2002 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 29 07:27:04 BST 2010


I have just started working with RabbitMQ for my cloud messaging/eventing
application. The proof of concept worked well with rabbitMQ and Spring AMQP.
Now, I want to start preparing for scalability.
I am able to setup a rabbitMQ cluster with 2 rabbitMQs installed on 2
separate machines. Now I want to know what is achieved by "clustering" in
terms of rabbitMQ.

My spring amqp template has been given a connection Factory like this:
    <!-- RabbitMQ configurations -->
    <!-- Define a connectionFactory -->
    <bean id="connectionFactory"

        <constructor-arg value="localhost" />
        <property name="username" value="guest" />
        <property name="password" value="guest" />

    <!-- Configure the admin class -->
    <bean id="amqpAdmin"
        <constructor-arg ref="connectionFactory" />

Here I have specified *localhost*, so now, if I send a amqp message through
rabbitMQ and this localhost broker is not up, will that message go through
its cluster node automatically ?

If that's the case, then what do we mean by high availability?

Kshitiz Garg
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