[rabbitmq-discuss] ? short-string encoding and rabbitmq 2.0.1

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Fri Oct 22 12:53:37 BST 2010

On 22/10/10 12:44, james anderson wrote:

> i understand this, and the code in the repository[3] to indicate that
> the 115,6,83 at the start of the fourth line of the content vector,
> above, was decoded as a short 16/signed instead of the intended six byte
> short string. given which state, the subsequent vector
> <<84,82,73,78,71,7,80, ...>> matched no pattern. do i understand these
> events correctly?


See http://dev.rabbitmq.com/wiki/Amqp091Errata#section_3 for a bit more 
information, but in short this is an area where we believe the spec to 
be incorrect.

The upshot is that there isn't a way to put short strings in tables; you 
have to use long strings.

Cheers, Simon
Simon MacMullen
Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
SpringSource, a division of VMware

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