[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq beginner, cannot start rabbitmq/cannot get status

Matt Long mlong at crocodoc.com
Thu Oct 14 23:19:40 BST 2010

adding the following line to /etc/hosts worked. Can anyone suggest a way to
have something similar done automatically via a customized AMI?    ip-10-100-100-200


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Matthias Radestock
<matthias at rabbitmq.com>wrote:

> Matt,
> Matt Long wrote:
>> after I reboot the EC2 instance and ssh back in, I get this when trying to
>> check the status:
>> $ sudo rabbitmqctl status
>> Status of node 'rabbit at ip-10-100-100-200' ...
>> Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit at ip-10-100-100-200': nodedown
>> diagnostics:
>> - unable to connect to epmd on ip-10-100-100-200: address
> That last line indicates that rabbitmqctl was unable to resolve
> ip-10-100-100-200 to an IP address.
> Matthias.

Matt Long
Lead Developer
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