[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ message receiving slower than publishing

T-zex tranzenziuzex at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 17:43:42 GMT 2010

Thank you Matthew.

Yes, we are using IModel.BasicConsume, noAck = false.
We use DefaultBasicConsumer and HandleBasicDeliver override is just
incrementing the counter in this test, so no latency here.
What do you mean by "broker has sent all messages to the receiver"? We
are not using QueueingBasicConsumer.

The documentation says "RabbitMQ operates at sub-millisecond latency
in transient mode under a load of 10k messages per second."
Is this sending and receiving or is it just sending? We can achieve
10k sending but receiving is 7k.

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Matthew Sackman <matthew at rabbitmq.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 03, 2010 at 05:15:55PM +0000, T-zex wrote:
>> We are running the latest version of RabbitMQ 2.1.1 on windows server,
>> and using .Net client. We are running a test as follows: publishing
>> 500000 messages to the transcient non durable fanout exchange, the
>> client uses autodelete queue. There is only one queue. Publisher sends
>> ~ 10K messages per second. After all messages are sent it disconnects.
>> rabbitmqctl tool is showing that queue size is 0, but receiver is
>> still getting messages for a few seconds, it has received only 60% of
>> messages. Do you know why there is such a delay and how to minimize
>> it?
> Receiver has no qos set and is using basic.consume? As a result, the
> broker has sent all messages to the receiver (thus the queue is empty),
> but the receiver has not processed them all yet.
> Assuming the receiver is acknowledging messages (noAck = false), if you
> watch the number of unacknowledged messages in the queue, you should see
> that drop as the receiver churns through its backlog.
> ...is my guess.
> Matthew
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