[rabbitmq-discuss] rabiit-c library, properies is not set

Alexandre Kalendarev akalend at mail.ru
Wed Mar 17 01:25:59 GMT 2010

I develope the C++ & PHP clients.

If I set the  properies for AMQP Basic.Publish than:
I can to set :
typedef struct amqp_basic_properties_t_ {
  amqp_flags_t _flags;
  amqp_bytes_t content_type;
  amqp_bytes_t content_encoding;
  amqp_table_t headers;
  uint8_t delivery_mode;
  uint8_t priority;
  amqp_bytes_t correlation_id;
  amqp_bytes_t reply_to;
  amqp_bytes_t expiration;
  amqp_bytes_t message_id;
  uint64_t timestamp;
  amqp_bytes_t type;
  amqp_bytes_t user_id;
  amqp_bytes_t app_id;
  amqp_bytes_t cluster_id;
} amqp_basic_properties_t;

but reality I can to set only    content_type;

Can I to set/change content_encoding;, user_id, message_id delivery_mode, set expiration, timestamp?

what is the property reply_to, headers?


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