[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-erlang-client lagging behind server 1.8.0

Matthew Sackman matthew at rabbitmq.com
Thu Jul 8 19:28:37 BST 2010

Hi Lee,

On Thu, Jul 08, 2010 at 10:04:17AM -0700, Lee Kirchhoff wrote:
> The rabbitmq-erlang-client is required by a plugin we use with the
> rabbitmq-server. We are currently using version 1.7.2 of the server and
> would like to step to 1.8.0 but are blocked because rabbitmq-erlang-client
> is lagging back at version 1.7.0 and is incompatible with 1.8.0. Is there
> anyone working to bring rabbitmq-erlang-client forward, and if so, when is
> it expected to be available?

The erlang client is unreleased. Hopefully that'll change in the near
future. However, until then, please use the head of the default branch
in the rabbitmq-erlang-client repo. We try to tag the repos with version
numbers when things *stop* working. So eg the erlang client tagged with
1.7.0 should be the *last* version that was known to work with the 1.7.0
broker. However, thinking about it, I can think of at least a couple of
changes which would have stopped the erlang client working with 1.7.2
and I suspect there is no version tagged with 1.7.2. In any case, I
would hope that if there is no 1.8.0 tagged erlang client then the
latest on default should work with the 1.8.0 release. If that's not the
case, please let us know and we'll track down and tag the correct

Hopefully this mess should go away once we get to be able to release the
erlang client, which is a priority for us in the next few months.


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