[rabbitmq-discuss] what happened to my messages?

Robert Fuller fullergalway at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 17:16:48 GMT 2010

Hi, I have two questions today, (while still working on my connections issue...)

1. I have two queues named 'pipelines-normal' and 'pipelines-low',
into which I am publishing. On the consuming client side I am
consuming from both queues on different threads within the same java
runtime. I have sometimes noticed items I expected to see on
'pipelines-normal' appear in 'pipelines-low', in fact the item seems
to processed in both queues.  Am currently using sever 1.2.2 and java
client 1.2.1. I have a routing key of "publish".

I am anticipating maybe one of the following answers:
a. The naming of the queues bad, ie. is the dash '-' is causing problems?
b. Having two bound channels in single jvm to same server isn't
supported with java client 1.2.1?
c. It must be a problem with the way I'm publishing?
d. It must be a problem with the way I'm consuming?
e. It is a problem that I am using the same routing key while
publishing on both queues?

2. I was surprised to find my (durable,non-exclusive,not-autodelete)
queues empty after restart - the following commands were run in quick
adminrobful at test:~$ sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues
[sudo] password for adminrobful:
Listing queues ...
pipelines-low	1486828
pipelines-normal	1486657
adminrobful at test:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server restart
Restarting rabbitmq-server: SUCCESS
adminrobful at test:~$ sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues
Listing queues ...
pipelines-low	0
pipelines-normal	0
adminrobful at test:~$ uname -a
Linux test 2.6.32-25-server #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:06:58 UTC
2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux


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