[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 1.8.1 Stomp adaptor badmatch

Tim Child tim at cantemo.com
Mon Aug 23 14:31:11 BST 2010

This is what I got in my log file:

=INFO REPORT==== 23-Aug-2010::14:38:19 ===
starting STOMP connection <0.451.0> from

=ERROR REPORT==== 23-Aug-2010::14:38:19 ===
STOMP error frame sent:
Message: "Processing error"
Detail: "Processing error\n"
Server private detail: {{badmatch,


=INFO REPORT==== 23-Aug-2010::14:38:19 ===
ending STOMP connection <0.451.0> from


What I did was checkout the rabbitmq-public-umbrella package, then I
reverted rabbitmq-stomp to version 149
cd rabbitmq-stomp
hg update -C -r 149
make package
Then I copied rabbitmq-stomp/dist/rabbit_stomp.ez and rabbitmq-stomp/
dist/amqp_client.ez to my plugins directory, and then copied the
rabbitmq-stomp/ebin files to my rabbitmq_server-1.8.1/ebin/ directory.

After that I activated, restarted, and then tried to connect using

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