[rabbitmq-discuss] compiled plugin for debian packaged rabbitmq-server

Mark Lin mlin at admob.com
Mon Apr 26 22:06:36 BST 2010

Rabbitmq-shovel plugin works  compiling from source and following README instructions.  When I copy the compiled .ez files 

amqp_client.ez  rabbit_common.ez  rabbitmq-shovel.ez

from rabbitmq-shovel/dist  to rabbitmq plugin directory that I specified in /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf


and issued rabbitmq-activate-plugins, I got this error:

ERROR: generation of boot script file /usr/lib/rabbitmq/lib/rabbitmq_server-1.7.2/sbin/../ebin/rabbit.script failed:
Duplicated modules: 
        rabbit_writer specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        rabbit_reader specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        rabbit_net specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        rabbit_misc specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        rabbit_heartbeat specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        rabbit_framing_channel specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        rabbit_framing specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        rabbit_channel specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        rabbit_binary_parser specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        rabbit_binary_generator specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        rabbit_basic specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        priority_queue specified in rabbit and rabbit_common
        gen_server2 specified in rabbit and rabbit_common

If I remove rabbit_common.ez or use "ln -s" to create a soft link of rabbitmq-shovel in plugin directory, then activate works.  But when I kick off server, I got this error:

{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,rabbit_shovel,{bad_return,{{rabbit_shovel,start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{undef,[{rabbit_framing,method_record,['queue.declare']},{rabbit_shovel_sup,parse_declaration,1},{lists,foldl,3},{rabbit_shovel_sup,parse_endpoint,1},{rabbit_shovel_sup,'-parse_shovel_config_dict/1-fun-7-',4},{lists,foldl,3},{rabbit_shovel_sup,parse_shovel_config,3},{rabbit_shovel_sup,parse_configuration,3}]}}}}}"}

Erlang system version:
System version: Erlang R13B04 (erts-5.7.5) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:30] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]

Any idea? 


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