[rabbitmq-discuss] Steady performance degradation

Philippe Kirsanov pkirsanov at 38studios.com
Fri Sep 25 22:29:25 BST 2009

The jar includes all dependencies.
I can't send source code, only jar. But this is a code:

messageProperties.messageId	= utils.generateUUIDasBase64 //random
messageProperties.expiration	= System.currentTimeMillis.toString
channel.basicPublish ( exchName, routingKey, messageProperties , msg )

private val tag = channel.basicConsume ( queueName, noAck,
	new DefaultConsumer ( channel ) {
		override def handleDelivery ( tag : String, env :
Envelope, props : AMQP.BasicProperties, body : Array [ Byte ] ) = {
			if ( brokerConfig.trackMsg ) {
				val now = System.currentTimeMillis
				val than = props.expiration.toLong
				actor {
					statTracker.update ( now - than
			cons ! newMessage ( body, env, props )

Ack happens in the Actor that handles message before message is
This Actor Ack message and send it for processing to another Actor
react {
	case msg @ newMessage ( m, e, p ) => {
		a ! msg // send message for processing in different
		try {
			channel.basicAck ( e.getDeliveryTag, false )
			case e : AlreadyClosedException => exit
			case e : java.net.SocketException => exit

And this is actual worker that handles message, message should be
already ack by this time:
receive {
	case msg @ newMessage ( m, e, p ) => handler ( m, e, p )

I will send jar directly

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthias Radestock [mailto:matthias at lshift.net] 
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 15:21
To: Philippe Kirsanov
Cc: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Steady performance degradation


Philippe Kirsanov wrote:
> One of the test was to run steady load (about 500 messages per second)

> over long period of time.
> I noticed that performance steadily going down to 100-200
> resetting client (kill/start process) restores performance.

can you post your code so we can try to reproduce this?



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