[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ native SSL support

Chris Duncan celldee at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 12:52:58 BST 2009

I had a recent conversation about SSL support in RabbitMQ and would  
like to clarify my understanding. The current v1.6.0 stable RabbitMQ  
release does not appear to have native SSL support. Is v1.7.0  
scheduled to include it and if not, is there a plan to include it in  
a specific future version?

I found this previous thread - http://lists.rabbitmq.com/pipermail/ 
rabbitmq-discuss/2009-July/004045.html - that addressed the subject,  
but I didn't see an answer to my question within it. Please excuse me  
if this has been answered elsewhere.


Chris Duncan

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