[rabbitmq-discuss] Return of 'getting started, broker runs; can't get status'

J Aaron Farr farra at apache.org
Tue Sep 22 11:16:38 BST 2009

Thanks for the further help, Paul.  Comments below:

On Tue 22 Sep 2009 17:59, Paul Jones <pauljones23 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Just so we can understand your setup, how are you trying to setup the users
> for rabbit? Did you do the build as a rabbitmq user, or ...?

I've done builds as root or as rabbitmq.  I think the current build was
done via the rabbitmq user.

The ultimate intent here is to use rabbitmq with Nanite [1]

> One of the most likely causes of the nodedown tends to be cookie mismatches,
> which can be hard to definitively check. In both the rabbitmq-server and
> rabbitmqctl scripts, can you please add the follow line somewhere within the
> command line flags (perhaps after the -sname):
>   -eval 'io:format("~p~n", [init:get_argument(home)])'

For both:


> This will print (badly formatted I'm afraid) the home directory that erlang
> is seeing, and subsequently allows you to determine that the home
> directories are the same. If they are, it could also be worth adding:
>   -eval 'io:format("~p~n", [erlang:get_cookie()])'


gandalf:~ rabbitmq$ rabbitmqctl status
Status of node rabbit at gandalf ...

I'm attempting to rebuild my environment on a test server and see if I
can reproduce my situation there.

   J. Aaron Farr

[1] http://github.com/ezmobius/nanite

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