[rabbitmq-discuss] Erlang has closed

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Fri Sep 18 13:35:45 BST 2009


tsuraan wrote:
> As RabbitMQ is running, I sometimes get messages saying "Erlang has
> closed".  These don't seem to be associated with any actual failure or
> shutdown; a single long-running rabbit will sometimes have a dozen or
> more "Erlang has closed" messages on its standard output.

AFAIK that message is printed when an external program, such as that
used for memory reporting, terminates. Unless you see any other ill
effects it should be harmless.

> I also see, in my logs, this triplet of messages:
> =INFO REPORT==== 16-Sep-2009::16:45:48 ===
>     application: rabbit
>     exited: stopped
>     type: temporary
> =INFO REPORT==== 16-Sep-2009::16:45:48 ===
>     application: mnesia
>     exited: stopped
>     type: temporary
> =INFO REPORT==== 16-Sep-2009::16:45:48 ===
>     application: os_mon
>     exited: stopped
>     type: temporary
> I don't think those are associated with any interruption either

That sequence usually indicates that rabbit was stopped, e.g. with
rabbitmqctl stop/stop_and_halt, rabbitmq-multi stop_all, or the various
scripts in the os-specific packages.



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