[rabbitmq-discuss] Erlang has closed

tsuraan tsuraan at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 01:18:15 BST 2009

> I stand corrected.  It is indeed a timeout; I used the above code, but
> in the case of { error, X }, I have a io:format("avg1() gave the value
> ~p~n", [ X ]), and it's saying timeout.  bizarre.  Anyhow, assuming
> that 0.0 is an acceptable way to handle that error, it looks like the
> fix works for me.

And, a final self-reply before I shut up, it looks like one of my
queues disappeared.  I know this was an issue in 1.5.3, but I think it
was supposedly fixed in 1.5.5 and 1.6.0.  I don't have any errors in
my rabbit log (other than errors about processes trying to use the
missing queue), my sasl log is empty, and I don't have an erlang crash
dump anywhere.  I have no idea what happened to that queue, but it was
present in the past hour or so.

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