[rabbitmq-discuss] Monitoring an AMQP Exchange/Queue in Java...Problem with passive creation

Boisson, Franck Franck.Boisson at mlp.com
Thu Sep 17 14:25:14 BST 2009

As you can see in my exemple, I am systematically  aborting every temp
channel I am creating.
In a previous test, I was looking a the channel number I was getting for
the temporary one and it was the same for all.

I will have a look to your link tks

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Hood [mailto:0x6e6562 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 8:32 PM
To: Boisson, Franck
Cc: rabbitmq
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Monitoring an AMQP Exchange/Queue in
Java...Problem with passive creation


On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Boisson, Franck
<Franck.Boisson at mlp.com> wrote:
> All I know for the moment is that, on the Java side, the problem
> during the temporary channel creation (tmpChannel =
> this.amqpMainConnection.createChannel();). It do not raise any error
> it return null (wich raise after that a nullPointerException on my
> program).

Interesting. The createChannel should not usually return null. This
can happen for example if you exhaust the maximum amount of channels
per connection (which is a unsigned 16 bit integer). Are you creating
lots of channels and not closing them? Another possibility is a bug
that we fixed recently - see this thread for details:

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