[rabbitmq-discuss] eheap_alloc error

majek04 majek04 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 12:48:20 BST 2009

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 17:03, Suhail Doshi <suhail at mixpanel.com> wrote:
> Doing some investigation into what happened, apparently the memory just
> instantly got used, it wasn't leaking something slowly...any ideas?
> Attached is an image of memory usage, then the consumer dies freeing up the
> memory used later.

It looks like erlang was trying to allocate 5 gigs of RAM, and failed.
This could have happened during garbage collection, but only
if a single erlang process was using all the memory.

Do you have a single large queue?
Are you sure that the queue had reasonable size during the crash?
Maybe all the consumers had died and rabbit just ran out of memory?

  Marek Majkowski

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