[rabbitmq-discuss] Subscribe to remote rabbitmq queue

Sridhar Raman sridhar.raman at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 08:54:02 BST 2009

When I run it, this is the error I get:
`initialize': Could not connect to server hostname:5672 (AMQP::Error)
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/tmm1-amqp-0.6.4/lib/amqp.rb:84:in
    from test_processor.rb:7*

Could it because port 5672 is not accessible from outside?  In that case,
how do I expose it?
I tried iptables like this:
*iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5672 -j ACCEPT*

But still no luck.  How do I configure rabbitmq to accept requests from
external IPs?


2009/9/9 Paul Jones <pauljones23 at gmail.com>

> Sridhar,
> Can you describe how this doesn't work?
> Paul.
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Sridhar Raman <sridhar.raman at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi
>> This is our current setup that is working in a server:
>> Listener (that receives the data and publishes it):
>> *module QueueData
>>     def receive_data(d)
>>         $amq.queue("queue_name").publish(d)
>>     end
>> end
>> EM.run {
>>   $amq = MQ.new
>>   EM.start_server "", 22003, QueueData
>> }*
>> Processor (that subscribes to the queue and processes it):
>> *EM.run {
>>   amq = MQ.new
>>   amq.queue("queue_name").subscribe { |d|
>>     puts d
>>   }
>> }*
>> How do I subscribe to this queue from another machine?  I tried this:
>> *AMQP.start(:host => 'hostname', :port => 5672, :logging => true) do
>>   puts "connected ..."
>>   mq = MQ.new
>>   MQ.queue('queue_name').subscribe{ |msg|
>>     puts msg
>>   }
>> end*
>> But it doesn't work.  Any suggestions?
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